Sunday, September 13, 2009

He's in the Garage

As with numerous other projects around the house, Big Red will be sitting idle for a bit more.

I did take him to a local bike shop to get an idea as to the expense to bring him back to glory......turns out the rear brake mounts are too low or the brake calipers are too small for the location of the mount.

Guy at the bike shop should be able to locate new calipers, re-cable the bike and we will throw some new rubber, clean up the shifters, brake levers and derailleurs and we will be all set.

The frame is about 2 inches too small for me though. Oh well another tourer out the door. Thought about taking it on the C/O canal trail for a week with it, but will have to rethink it and perhaps go with Black Beauty with bigger(wider) tires.

I seem to recall my brother stating this frame is a replacement as the original cracked, no wonder the brakes don't line up. the shop probably just moved the components from one to the other.....stay tuned.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cash Flow update

As of 5/25/2009 here is the balances for the rebuild:
  • Bike Bank Account: $377
  • Google Adsense: $69
  • On-line Surveys: $22

Almost there! Found an interested shop as well to do the work.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Good news riders, the bike account is as follows:
  • $226 in the bank
  • $44.80 with AdSense
  • $18.54 with Inbox Surveys

Birthday is coming up, hopefully we can get the other balances up there and should have over $400 to rebuild the Cannondale MB! Should be enough!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Cannondale bicycle

I've finally took some photographs of the Cannondale. We have our work cut out for us to bring this guy back to where he once was.

As if Karma struck, I received my recent Nashbar catalog and payday is almost here! Thanks to you guys, Adsense is $42, Inbox Surveys is almost $20 and the NOVA focus group is Tuesday night!

Here are some photos of the bike, yet named, but certainly something to consider. The basic framework is there, we just need to add the personality!

On the menu will be the following:
  • Repack or Replace the bottom Bracket
  • New front wheel (hub, rim, spokes, tube/tire)
  • New rear wheel (freewheel, hub, spokes, rim, tube/tire)
  • New pedals
  • New seat
  • New brakes/levers
  • New derailleurs
  • New cables
  • New handlebar, stem and grips

The goal is for this to become that bicycle that I will love to take out when the trail is not paved. Could add racks/panniers for an off-road weekend, or look to use it on the C & O canal ride as referenced below:

Mr. Frugal's eventual plan will be to take a week and ride the trail. Herr Maus and Herr Professor would certainly add to the trip! Either the Cannondale or Oliver, the Raleigh Twenty will be on the trip.

Thank you for all of your support as we start this project in the coming weeks and feel free to leave some comments on ideas suggestions on the rebuild and what to name this one?

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Frugality is the name of the game, do things right for the right price, right?

Just to provide an update. I'll post some initial photos of the Cannondale shortly. (Still haven't named him)

Herr Frugal was fortunate enough to be picked for a focus group on the TV show NOVA. That 2 hour panel will be worth $125 towards the bicycle fund.

Google's Ad Sense is now over $26 and the on-line survey's balance is over $17. I need to get the AdSense over $100 to earn a paycheck and the online survey balance needs to be over $30.

So, that will give Herr Frugal $255+ for a budget to rebuild, should be doable with some assistance from ebay and Craigslist!

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Welcome to Rehab

Welcome to this online blog/progress check on the rehab of my new to me 1990 Cannondale 400 Mountain Bike.